Good morning everyone. I hope you are doing well and are excited for the day. I know I'm excited for today. Mostly because of the fact that Lois is making my absolute favorite soup for the first time this season: French Onion Soup. It's going to be so good I can hardly wait. Along with the French Onion, we are also having Red Chili and our Oatmeal Blueberry and Little Italy Muffins. Is it sad when food gets you this excited? I don't think so either.
And get ready. Tomorrow night is the last Summer Enchanted Evening of the season. For this event, Sharon Danhauer will be presenting a slide show about Mariano Medina, the first settler of the Big Thompson Valley. And for this extremely interesting show, you will be able to view it on our brand new, bigger and better projection screen! This is one event that's safe for the whole family and you won't want to miss it.
Have a great day and I hope to see you soon.
Jared Whertvine
The Baldpate Inn