Howdy Folks!
If you are looking for something to do on this fine day, come up and visit us here at the Baldpate Inn. We are having some Cream of Mushroom Soup and some Red Chili for our soups today. For our muffins today we are having our Chocolate Mystery and our newest muffin, Strawberry-Rhubarb. These things will also be served with our Cornbread from 11:30 until 7:00 this evening.
Last night we had a great presentation from our museum curators and our inn taker as well. We had a great crowd turn-out. The speech was well done and the crowd was great. Thank you Sara, Lauren and Lois for the lecture. Next week will be our last Wednesday lecture series. The topic of the speech will be about Charles Mace photography and his life. The lecture will be done by Derek Fortini. We will be looking forward to that.
Have a fun and safe day.