Wednesday, September 23, 2015

It's a beautiful Wednesday!

It's a beautiful day here at The Baldpate Inn! Join us today and enjoy our Cowboy Buffalo Stew or Tomato Rice soup. Paired with our All Bran and new to the Baldpate Pizza muffins created by our very own cooks. Reservations are needed!
Join us tonight as Kurtis Kelly shares with us the fascinating lives of the Innkeepers of Estes Valley. He will be starting off with The Baldpate's very own Mace Family beginning at 7 PM in our Key Room.
Don't forget about the change in our fall hours as the following schedule will reflect our hours of operation until our final day of the season October 4th:
Sunday-Tuesday 11:30 AM-4 PM
Wednesday-Saturday 11:30 AM-7 PM.
Reservations are needed!