Thursday, June 13, 2013

Good Morning!!!!

A special thank you goes out to Otto Zingg for speaking last night at our Summer Enchanted Evening Series talking about Whaling in Alaska! We had a great turn out and appreciate him taking time out of his busy schedule to come spend the evening with us.

Today looks like its going to be another warm day and I am loving it! It feels more and more like home everyday! (except in Missouri we don't have mountains and have intense humidity.) Today our soups include White Chili and Pumpkin Curry with our muffins being Zucchini Nut and Tropical Paradise.

Finally, don't forget! Days with Dad is coming up on June 16th! Bring your father, or your family if your a father, and come on out to the Baldpate for a delicious meal! Upon dining with us on fathers day you will receive a voucher for one of our plays for your father. When making your reservation make sure to mention your voucher to receive a complimentary beverage. Hope to see you all soon!

Your favorite Missourian,
