For several individuals school is starting back up today, which means its time to call an end to all the summer fun. If you still want to see some amazing views and eat some fantastic food this fall though, then stop by The Baldpate Inn.
In our dining room this will be our last Monday open for the season and starting August 28th our Fall hours will kick in. These hours are Sundays from 11:30am to 4pm, Mondays we will be closed, Tuesdays through Saturdays we will be open from 11:30am to 7pm. For lunch/dinner reservations give us a call at 970-586-5397.
Today we are open until 8pm, that gives one plenty of time to grab some soup, salad, and pie after work or during their lunch break. Soups for the day include our Cowboy Buffalo Stew and Broccoli Cheese soups. The muffins of the day are our Ginger Lemon and Feta Pepper muffins.
Hope to see you all soon!
Front Desk
The Baldpate Inn